Getting your Team on Board with your Goals

So you have your practice goals set but you’re feeling timid to talk about money with your team. We understand that and you are not alone; if we’re honest, this is one of the most common items the Dental A Team consultants work on with Doctors and Teams!

Here’s the big secret…

Team’s LOVE to be given direction!!

Human nature is to push, learn and grow. We are hardwired to look for MORE! When that opportunity is taken from us, we’re left with a feeling of purposelessness. It’s true, imagine if you went to a building everyday, clocked in, did some things, went home and had no idea why you were doing the “things” nor what the “things” were all adding up to.


Now imagine if you went to a building everyday, clocked in, did things that added value towards a common goal and push, went home and felt like you totally ROCKED OUT another killer day!! You added value, you pursued something and you walked away knowing that you absolutely nailed your “job”! Now that is purpose! 


Talking goals with teams in relation to IMPACT is an incredible way to inspire their purpose. What is the why behind goals? Here’s the deal, production and collections are measuring sticks for us. They are black and white ways that we can say HECK YES we are absolutely making an impact on our community and our patients. As the numbers grow, it shows us we’re helping even MORE people get healthy! Incredible, right!? 


Go out and inspire your team, allow them to have some purpose and something to work towards! If you’re struggling with this idea, want it and you’re just not sure that you can have the conversation comfortably with your team, reach out to us! We are here to help and want you to be the most successful you can be! Schedule A Call.


For more tips, check out our latest episode!


Dental consulting increased production by 150%