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Episode : #868: DAT Book Club: Clear Your Limiting Beliefs

Podcast Description

Britt reviews the July book club selection, You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay, by touching on the principles that most stood out to her: clearing out your limiting beliefs, knowing the power of the present moment, applying a positive narrative to your life, and more.

Find the full book club rundown here!

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Britt (00:00.436)

Hello Dental A Team listeners, this is Britt and you’re here for Britt taking over the book club podcast today. I’m super excited to be with you, privileged to get a chance to talk about our book for this month, spend a little time together, talk about it and hopefully learn a little bit from each other. So I’m a big book club fan. I love that it’s just a chance for us to come together, talk about ideas, talk about things that are discussed in the book. And I love even hearing your feedback on the podcast on how it goes.


Welcome to Book Club Podcasts. Let’s get into it. This month, the book for Book Club is You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay. Now, this is a book, she wrote it back in like mid 80s. So back around the time that self -help was kind of getting started, she was one of the first that kind of gained some popularity in the self -help realm. And this is one of her books that she started that out with.


I love digging into these books. When it comes to self -help, I’m a big fan. One thing I love about it though is kind of reading through it. And when we read through these books, it’s kind of like challenging ideas of what are they saying? Do I agree with it? And ultimately kind of like picking out what are the pieces that are helpful to you and like taking those pieces along the journey with you. So with this book, Louise talks about some good concepts in here.


really a lot of it comes back to like we manifest what we think, right? So our brains are extremely powerful and they have a big impact on our life in a lot of different ways. And so throughout the book, she’s kind of talking about how our minds can impact one, our health on some things, right? And it can also impact just kind of our happiness and our mental health. And I think there’s some things that have been learned since she originally wrote this book, but I think some of the


core principles within it stand true, even to this day. We know, right, in this day and age, we know stress can definitely impact our health, right? So the better we are at managing stress, the stronger we get mentally more resilient, then it’s gonna help us to be healthier than if we let that stress ultimately impact us. So really a lot of those principles do ring true. Some of them might be a little extreme on her end, in my opinion.


Britt (02:16.656)

But there’s a lot of good things to take away. Like I said, I love reading these types of books and kind of picking out the pieces that I agree with that I’m like, yep, that’s something that I definitely, you know, can implement within my life or like something really good to think about. So let’s hop through some of the really kind of big main points that I found super useful. You guys, if you’ve read the book, awesome, great job. Good job on reading it. If you haven’t, that’s okay. We’ll give you a recap. You can decide if it’s something you want to go and spend the time to read.


I’m a big audiobook fan, so for those out there who love the audiobook, I’m with you. I like to listen to it. You can get a lot in and crank up that speed and listen to it pretty quickly. But we’ll give you a little recap. We’ll talk about some of the ideas, and then you can go dig in from there. One of the big principles from the beginning that she hops into is that really we’re responsible for how we feel, right? Things happen in life. Things are gonna happen in life, but we get to choose how we respond to it.


And that can really shape how we view the world, that can help to shape our happiness, and ultimately can impact our health. I think it kind of comes back to the principle of you find what you’re looking for. Kind of that first thing of we manifest whatever we think, we find what we’re looking for. If we’re always looking and saying like, I’m just waiting for the next shoe to drop and waiting for the next shoe to drop, the next shoe is going to drop at some point. So where you focus your energy and especially that mental energy that’s really powerful and strong.


you know, is where we’re gonna kind of manifest things and see those things come to life. So that’s one principle that I really liked from this book is we manifest whatever we think. So look for the good, you’re gonna find the good, right? Look for the bad, you’re gonna find the bad. And also manifest whatever we think. If we see something as an opportunity, right? We view challenges as something like I can overcome this or I am strong. Those are all things that are gonna help us when it comes to life to have a little bit different outlook and tackle it in a different way.


which can impact maybe like how much we stress about something or can ultimately impact our health. So that’s one thing that I take away from it is absolutely there’s something to be said for like a gratitude journal. It trains your brain to look for the things that you’re grateful for. And I surely believe that that has a positive impact on our lives. So number two big takeaway that I found from the book was the first step on the journey to loving yourself is to clear away your limiting beliefs.


Britt (04:38.974)

So this is a big one. I was actually just in physical therapy yesterday. I had shoulder surgery, right? So I was chatting with some of the physical therapists over there and just talking about how strong our minds are and helping us even when it comes to healing something, right? If I think my range of motion is limited or I can’t do this thing, the chances of me actually doing it are pretty slim. But if I believe, yep, I can do it, I’m gonna get healthier, I’m gonna get better.


and I don’t kind of guard that injury as much and I work through and I push through and I get the range of motion back, it’s a very powerful thing. But if in my mind I’m sitting there thinking, it’s not gonna get better, I’m not gonna be able to do that, right? Those are the limiting beliefs that are gonna keep me from improving or healing over time. And it’s truly a powerful thing. You can apply that to a lot of things in life. think I was…


super like scared shy child and so I had a lot of limiting beliefs on myself and it was getting to the point where like hey like I can try it or I’m a strong person or I can overcome it or you know I’m smart why why can’t I go and try that thing so trying to kind of switch that narrative a little bit to challenge some of those little limiting beliefs and see what’s possible within yourself


So I really loved that in this book, which I think is always something that’s a good reminder that we’re capable of a lot more sometimes than we think we are. And I think in dental practices, right, for those leaders that are listening, our doctors, our office managers, our leads within their position, or just those team members who are the natural leaders, I think we can help to support each other in that way, right? When we know our team, we know each other really well.


we can help to challenge some of those limiting beliefs and help our team grow and help them feel empowered to where maybe they’re able to do something that they didn’t think they were able to do before. And it’s amazing and it’s so fun to see those things happen. So another principle that I found really interesting from the book was your power really lies in the present moment and each thought creates your reality. This for me, I kind of think of right in the moment,


Britt (06:49.17)

sometimes we have to build up the courage, right? And I think like that’s that internal, that mental toughness, that’s what’s our internal dialogue that’s helping us to be in the moment to do the thing, to have the courage, right? To live in that moment of strength or do the next thing. That really that present moment is so important and each that creates that reality. And so what do we tell ourselves? I’m a big sports fan. So I think sports, I think of this right now knowing


Paris Olympics are coming up pretty soon right now. And I just, I don’t know, I love the stories, I love the journeys, and I love the mental power that comes from those athletes and that you see them create that power in those moments where they’re present in the moment and their thoughts are ready for them to be able to succeed in those moments. And I know those elite athletes do a lot of work to get themselves there and to mentally get themselves there so that they can.


perform in the way that they know that they can and perform to the best of their abilities. And you guys, if it’s good for Olympians, it’s good for us too, right? We can incorporate those same things within our lives in those times where we need to be present, right? Create the reality in the moment that we can accomplish those amazing things and go for it. So I love it and I love how it relates to a lot of different things and Olympics, I’m ready for you, summer’s my favorite, so.


Another principle within the book that I think is important to cover is that your body is trying to communicate what’s going on inside. So take the time to listen. I believe a lot in listening to your body, right? In those moments where it’s like, hey, my body needs some rest, right? My body needs some mental support. I need some, you know, if it’s family time or I need some time around those people that help to really bolster me


I think it’s listening to our body and also listening, part of our body is like our minds, where are we at and what do we need? And I think it’s really important to take note. think sometimes we can get running so quickly on all the things and that we’re just sitting there distracted, we’re not really listening to what we need. And I think those are some of the times where we really get run down. So take the quiet moments. I think sometimes I’ve had to learn to be able to sit in some silence sometimes to actually.


Britt (09:05.138)

work through my thoughts or know kind of where I’m at. So I’m a big supporter of meditation. like sometimes it’s that or sometimes it’s just sitting outside in the quiet and giving yourself some time to breathe. But really listening to your body and what you need and taking the action on it. Some people it’s to manage stress, right? That when you can really feel that within your body, you need to get out, you need to exercise. If that’s the case, then let’s make that something regular so that you can take care of yourself, right?


Everyone these days, right? There’s those moments we get run down. So building it into a routine to take care of yourself and then listening to your body on the times you need a little bit more, I think can really help to make us happier humans overall. I really enjoyed that one. One where I kind of maybe see a little bit different than Louise and maybe shows the time that this was kind of written in the 80s are, think listening to your body is super important.


100 % I think research even modern day shows that stress can impact our health. Some of the ties she makes to specific things as far as mental or struggles, things like that resulting in a specific physical ailment. I’m no doctor, I’m no psychologist, so like I will own that 100%.


But I think it definitely can impact our health, but maybe not in like the direct linear way that she kind of describes on a few things. So I don’t know, read it, see what you think. That’s where with these type of things, I’m always like question it, see what aligns with you, read other things, do some research, and then take the things away from it that you feel like are beneficial for you. I also thought a good thing within the book to cover was that resistance uncovers the problem and the problem uncovers the need.


So let’s dig into that a little bit. Some of the areas where we feel resistance to something, right? We’re hesitant on something, we’re not confident in something. Where we feel that kind of either that mental resilience that we’re coming up against means that there’s something there that’s holding us back. And I think this ties a little bit to our, right? Like our reality and what we’re in and being in the present moment.


Britt (11:17.992)

And that reality can be that resistance. So sometimes it’s passing those limiting beliefs and moving past them. So that can be the resistance we feel that there’s something there that’s holding us back. What is it that’s holding us back? And if we can uncover what’s holding us back, then we can either evaluate and say, like, all right, like, that’s my limit, I’m good there, or no, that’s just a limiting belief. I need to reframe that, restructure it so that I can move past


So I think that’s something that’s helpful and useful as well that can come in those quiet moments where you’re like, all right, why am I feeling resistance to this? How can I work through it? Is it something I want to work through? And what’s the solution to it? And then I think that in order to change, must really release the past in what you were. And that’s part of releasing, I think, those limiting beliefs. And look for the future. I think all of us as human beings, for ourselves and for others,


allowing the opportunity to change and to grow as human beings is something that I always love. It’s so much fun to watch in people. It’s great that we are adaptable human beings and we can grow and develop in a lot of different ways. And so I do enjoy this book. It’s kind of digging into, all right, what are the things that are holding us back? What are the things mentally, are there some physical showings of the stress or the mental things that are going on that we want to address?


and knowing that you can make some changes, whether that’s individually, can make some changes, right? Listening to books are a great way, taking that quiet time, being able to evaluate or whether you need to like talk to someone and work it out and have them help you work past some of those limiting beliefs. But human beings are adaptable and that’s one of the amazing things and we can definitely change. So I think there’s a lot of good things to gain from here and whenever we’re talking about.


especially our mental shaping our physical, the impact that our mental can have, some good ways to help us reframe things or some good ways to get us on the right track mentally of thinking in the way that we want to, our positive affirmations or something, some sort of statement, something that’s getting you thinking, I am strong or I can do hard things or life is fantastic. I’m so grateful for the life that I have.


Britt (13:35.132)

It’s kind of what’s that narrative that you have running in the background, that real that’s running in the background of your mind, and is that reality or do we need to switch some of it? And that’s where some of those daily affirmations or positive affirmations, however often you say them, can help us just to retrain that. Doesn’t mean we’re not acknowledging what reality is, but it’s challenging what we’re thinking, how we want to view things, and if we want to view things differently, then let’s start.


saying that to ourselves and have that be the narrative that’s running in the background to help us succeed. So you guys, I really enjoyed reading this book. Like I said, it’s one that I definitely like challenge some things. Do I believe everything? Do I agree with everything? And then what are some of the positives to take away from it? And I definitely took away some of the positives that we manifest whatever we think. The first step on the journey to loving yourself is to clear away your limiting beliefs.


Your power really does lie in the present moment, what we believe, and each thought creates a reality. Your body’s trying to communicate with you what’s going on on the inside. So take time to listen. That can be hard these days because we’ve got a lot of noise going around. But take the time to listen in whatever way that is for you. Nature is usually a great way to do it, to get out, get unplugged, and just kind of get some silence to be able to kind of hear yourself and know what’s going on.


Acknowledge that sometimes resistance and covers the problem. So the things that we’re pushing back against sometimes are the problem that we need to then go evaluate and see if that’s something that we need to fix. And in order to change, you must release the past and look forward. Allow yourself the opportunity to change. Allow others the opportunity to change as well, think is really big, especially when we’re working with team members, family members, right? It applies to everything, but allowing them that chance to change.


is huge and yourself. Sometimes we need to give ourselves a little bit of grace, acknowledge where we were, what’s been, acknowledge that we can be who we want to be in the future and go for it because it’s possible. So you guys, I’m so happy that I got to take over Book Club today, take over the podcast, spend some time with you. And that wraps up the Dental A Team podcast today. So let us know what you think. We love hearing from our listeners.


Britt (15:50.6)

Drop us a five -star review or email us over at Hello @ TheDentalATeam .com. Thanks so much for listening and we’ll catch you next time on the Dental A Team Podcast.

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