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Episode : #907: Successful Step-by-Step From 4 Ops to 8 Ops and Insane Growth

Podcast Description

Kiera speaks with Drs. Nick and Whitney Forsythe about their journey of being married and buying (then growing) a dental practice, and where they are now. Points include not letting work ruin a personal life, laying the groundwork for a good reputation, managing schedules, and more.

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The Dental A Team (00:00.634)

Hello, Dental A Team listeners. This is Kiera and I am so giddy. I had this grandiose idea that I wanted to start bringing on some of my favorite people, my favorite doctors, and I could not be more excited to bring on these two doctors, Dr. Nick and Dr. Whitney. Our story goes so far back. I actually knew both of these two in dental school. I watched them fall in love, get married, have a baby, like all the things. They have two babies. They’ve got their practice and I just thought it’d be really fun for them to come on.


because I think they have a really magical story of their practice and their practice journey and the things that we’ve gone on. So Nick and Whitney, welcome to the show. Two of my faves. How are you today? So good. for having us. Of course. It’s so fun because we talk every single month and you guys are for years. Like how many years? About five, six years we’ve been doing this and you guys are my 6 a.m. call. We have had that call for years. And to just see where you’re at now just makes me so happy.


when I don’t have my 6 a.m. call with you and I start calls, I’m like, well, my day started funny because it’s all good. But it’s been so fun over the years. We’ve just done a lot of fun things. And so I think you guys just have a very fun, like practice journey that you’ve been on. And I think like, let’s just share some of the things as much as you guys want to. But really, I mean, I think you guys need to just share how you fell in love in dental school. Like who saw each other first? Because I don’t even know this, Whitney, you were a year ahead of Nick.


And it’s just been fun for me to watch you like in the tooth lunch. Like I was the lunch lady. I just watched everybody fall in love and you guys were the cutest couple. Like who noticed who first? How did you guys actually meet? I need to know that. I was the cougar. It was just welcome week when they had all those like freshmen events. And then I was like, you’re together so much too, that like everyone’s kind of like, man, like you guys should meet up. And we, I got her number after a test, like a basic test.


test no makeup. I remember walking you know we’d walk back and forth to the class and seeing you and you’re like my gosh you guys you saw the progression.


The Dental A Team (02:16.637)

Whitney was a year ahead of Nick and it was just fun to watch like because Whitney you’re a little more reserved which I’m shocked and so happy that you are on the podcast. Nick is the social butterfly in the relationship but still like you’ve got your reservations and whatnot but I was like watching Whitney like fall in love Nick was so cute and I just loved watching both of you and two of you. You two are I mean I think everybody finds their perfect match but you two are just like such an incredible couple and then I remember Nick you reached out to me you know so we’re thinking about buying a practice Kiera what do you think and I was like


Well, I think you guys should do it. And then lo and behold, move back up to Washington. You got your practice there. You bought a fee for service practice. I was scared out of my mind and I’m like, whoo fee for service practice. Everyone’s kind of scared. Yeah, we get checks. would definitely say, I mean, you have to go with what you feel and you helped us look, we looked for.


I was still in school. think we looked for two years. think our main issue was just finding a big enough practice or at least that we can grow into for both of the banks. And I think a lot of people were checking us on like, it’s not going to be enough or there’s a lot of things. we found, you know, after a while, I think if you look at enough deals, you finally get a sense of what feels good. And it did feel good. And we…


Yeah, I mean, at the end, even at the final hour, people were still kind of like, should you do this? it worked out really well. You were with us every step. I mean, it’s been an honor and it’s been fun. And I just thought like, it’s fun to share stories because I mean, even on a coaching call we had the other morning, it wasn’t planned. And I didn’t even realize we had the podcast coming up when we kind of went like on a little memory lane journey, which is what spurred the idea for this podcast of like,


what you’ve been through to get here. And I mean, for full transparency, it was two doctors and a four-op practice that was fee for service. To say I was a little nervous is an understatement. was like, you guys, two doctors, like you’re going to cannibalize this one practice. And like, it’s okay. We’ll just send one of you off to be an associate. like four new patients a month. Yeah. low new patients, but he had good will in the community. He was ramping down. I think we,


The Dental A Team (04:38.605)

We maxed out his current impatience to begin with. We came in, we had to be soft changes, I think we called it with you, because we had, I think, four or five 30-year vets in the practice that stayed with us all the way, I mean, until recently, so just retired. But we, our idea, you know, we, with kids, we swapped off days. We didn’t work all the time. It was just too much.


But we kind of cleared the patient base and the team was so much on our side. It was so helpful. We always in the background, I knew we needed more rooms. had someone look at the building. We bought the building as well, which I’m so glad we did. They kind of said, we think you can get two or three more. And we were like, okay, hopefully we’ll cross that when we get there. And then we, you know,


Probably every year we’ve talked about this every year. Okay. When’s the remodel build out more rooms going to happen? 2020 happens. So that occurred. And then finally last year we got serious about it and really looked at the numbers and yeah, it was a lot. Our accountant once again was like, are you sure? This is how.


Talking with you and really finding like the break even point. we do this build out, what do we have to produce monthly? Is that a realistic thing? And I think that’s what helped me throughout this whole process that I’m just like more analytical and I need to see the numbers before I go forward. We bought the practice for 650 was doing eight 50 maybe we.


You know, grew, had to replace everything, not visual, I would say. So a lot of my men, but I think we, we were starting to peak at like 1.6 and you know, definitely making huge jumps, but it was peaking all at the right time. We started, it took us a good year to prep for the build-out. So we’re planning a full remodel, adding three chairs.


The Dental A Team (06:52.301)

One more hygienist. Another hygienist. we started to, we were just talking about this. We started to pre-ramp up everything. It all hit, you know, we had all of a gone from four new patients a month to 50 new patients a month. We do accept Delta Premier, but that was it. So it was a good amount. We felt like we were also on pace. All of sudden we couldn’t fit in anybody else and we needed it.


And so it kind of turned at just the right moment. And it really, I think all the pre-work with you, especially, know, you, Whitney and you are so much better than me at that. I’m like, of like, it will work out maybe. Whitney definitely, you and Whitney had the numbers, you had the forms for her and she had filled them out and you guys had talked like exactly how much we needed to produce. What was the bottom, you know, if things went.


the worst it could go. So that like really calmed us. I mean, like, we’re like, okay, here’s the exact numbers, the exact patients. that was the exact employees. mean, we went from five employees to now like we have 15. it’s like, when do you hire them? You know, we kind of, over staff in the beginning, for sure. Yeah. The biggest thing we could have done is over staffing for a moment so that you’re ready and everyone’s trained. were worried about.


training and, yeah, all of the assistants are just super independent now, which was a big thing with more ops. And I remember talking to you, you gave us goals the year before, like, okay, here’s where your assistants need to be. Here’s how many you should have. So we had like really checked those boxes and it was like, gosh, I’m so glad we did that. Cause it’s just a lot. It’s a lot going on. It really is. And something like.


I just am so proud of both of you. And I love you guys are what five, six years into your practice ownership and you’re still in love because I remember when we very first started, I was like, we have to keep you guys also happily married. I have very vested interest in you, but like your practice needs you too as well. And so I think that’s been something really lovely to watch both of you do as well. Like Nick, you really come into your role. Like you’re really incredible with the team and Whitney’s great with the team. She’s also really good with numbers. And so we’ve kind of divided like.


The Dental A Team (09:14.325)

Nick, take these areas, Whitney, you take these areas. But something I think is so paramount to note, I wanted you guys to get more ops sooner. Do remember? Like it was every all the time from like two doctors for ops. I don’t know how this is going to work out. And you were also super adamant with me of like we’re not working Fridays. Like you had a baby pretty soon into practice ownership. Then you had a second baby. And something that I just want to highlight that I think you guys have done exceptionally well is you work really, really well together as a team. So that’s one thing to highlight.


Two, I feel like actually, like you said, Nick, the tipping point was perfect. Like we knew we wanted to expand to more ops, but I think actually like hindsight’s 2020, which we’re looking at today. I actually think you guys did really well because we maximize every like possible thing we could do other than adding Fridays or another associate. were adding Fridays. Like we were having to do it. Yeah. Cause it was just too, we were almost losing patients because we were too far up of doubt.


And that was, so we were hitting and you told us that we were going to hit that point. Right. Like we’re sure. Okay. So if we get to this, this is what we’re going to do. And it was always like a short-term plan. So we’ll do this just for a little while. but I also think it was smart. mean, could you imagine if we would have added in all these ops and you had four new patients a month? Like that would have been. Like we would have made it work, but it wouldn’t have been as smart. And so I think you guys have just really played your cards right. And, I remember.


Gosh, I think it was last year I was in your practice and we mapped out your block schedule. And I’m like, all right guys, this is what you’ll be producing. And I remember taking it to you, you were both producing. I talked to you at the end of the day and you both laughed at me and you’re like, there’s no way, Kiera. Like that’s ridiculous. And now to see all the construction go through, but Whitney and Nick, you’re right. Like we literally built the plans of.


low end, high end. And I think that that has actually served you really well. We know the numbers, we know the BAMs, we know where you need to be. You guys are producing. Something I’ve noticed that I think you guys have done ridiculously well is you haven’t allowed the practice to destroy your marriage or your life. Like you guys are parents. You really have prioritized being parents. Like it’s so cute to see you as parents. You also prioritize your marriage. You also have friends. Like Nick, I know your family’s close by.


The Dental A Team (11:30.017)

How have you guys done that successfully? Because your practice has grown. It’s blossomed. Like we just went down memory lane and going from 650 to where you are today is just, I think it’s surpassed all of our wildest dreams. I knew you guys would do it, but how have you guys been able to like keep that balance? Cause I think so many people want your life, but they don’t know how to do it. I think you guys have just done it really well. So any thoughts? I’m genuinely curious. I don’t know the answer. So kind of give me some feedback on that. That’s so nice of you. Yeah. We, we definitely.


We call you our marriage counselor as well as our business coach and our consultant. it’s nice to be so intentional about it. I think it forces us. It doesn’t sound romantic, but like we schedule one date a month at least. mean, having a nanny helps. She watches the kids a couple of days a week and now we schedule her out.


You know, we also use Nick’s parents a lot and Nick’s family. So it’s just like, have to schedule it and it sounds silly, but that’s what we’ve done. And then just, our goal every year we like, okay, we want to take one vacation a quarter. I think that’s been really important, even if it’s just a long weekend, a week here, long weekend, next quarter, it’s just, yeah, being super intentional about it. And otherwise you do burnout. For sure.


And it does get busy and I feel like the first year we didn’t have that figured out. we basically, mean, especially without kids, this was our life. This was our baby. so putting the work in front end, guess, paid off. But yeah. And keeping it. Yeah. At our meetings, we do spend time. Like you told us we plan out our personal and our business. So we keep it very like we have to plan it out. And if we do it, it.


I mean, we do appreciate it, especially like that one trip a quarter or just something short, just to like take your mind off of it. Cause especially husband and wife, mean, it’s all we talk about. It’s all we talk about. It’s really hard. we have to be like, okay, we’re not going to talk about it. We’re to do something else. Yeah. Which I think is just awesome. And it is something that I love and you guys do it so well is we do plan your personal life and your professional life. And then we check in on it. I mean, I love this year’s scorecard. It’s like, did you take your one trip for this quarter? Because I’m,


The Dental A Team (13:49.709)

Like, why do we not track our personal lives like we do our business life? And so I just think it’s been fun to watch you evolve. And Whitney, think something that you just did so beautifully was you really wanted to be a mom and a dentist. And so I thought it was fun where we brainstormed through it and you’re like, this is how many days I want to work. And we started low end and high end. Like, what do we have? But we never, I thought we did a really good job of not putting pressure on you to, have to work this many days to produce. We built the practice.


with the expansion to be able to sustain whether you wanted to come back full time, whether you want to come back part time, but we did it on like lowest amount of hours. And we knew Nick could do that. And I think that that was just something I don’t know how was that for you as a mom? Like maybe you can speak to that. I mean, it did come with guilt. That was so such a huge decision. Like I want this practice to thrive, but I also want to be a mom. So finding that balance. mean, I don’t


definitely don’t have it all figured out, that’s for sure. But setting boundaries I think is important. Like, okay, I will work two to two and a half days and that’s it. We have to make it work or we’ll find other options. Like I’m pretty set in my ways about that because I don’t want to get like, they’re only little ones. So I don’t want to give that up. And it’s hard as a couple.


to, you know, if there’s a hygienist down or if someone’s down, it’s hard not to sub in. Cause it’s like, we’re, we have to really, we have to set rules. we, we will sub in and help, but we have to go, okay, like let’s treat this like we’re, you know, like we can’t just to like make family a priority, which is good. I think that’s so hard though. Like, how do you guys do it? Is it just like, we hold each other accountable because you are dentists. There’s two of you, which actually I love.


know, like, Nick’s sick, Whitney can cover and if Whitney’s sick, Nick can cover and when Whitney’s out on maternity leave, like Nick can be there and we can schedule your lives that way but like how do you hold those boundaries strong? II don’t know and maybe it’s just you guys have decided that family life is the most important thing for you and that’s going to be our number one motive because I think it’s so easy to slip and be like, well, we’ll just cover here. We’ll just do this. Like, do have any tips on that because I think that might be a secret sauce to your success. You know what?


The Dental A Team (16:05.741)

Looking at the numbers like if I’m sub in for hygiene I say You know how much am I gonna lose today? Can we fit these people in here and there like is it worth my time and worth? truly losing time with my kids for a thousand dollars like just breaking it down or you know, whatever the goal of twenty three hundred dollars like


Can I make that up in a clear letter case? Yes, I could. it’s like just, yeah, priorities, I guess. Yeah. And there, mean, for sure for Whitney Moore, I mean, there’s stress and guilt, tears, you know, I mean, it’s just, we really have to communicate. I mean, that’s the biggest thing. I think that’s the biggest thing between us. It forces us as business owners when we’re having our meetings, we have to talk about it. And it’s almost like you’re, you’re pushed.


further as a couple because you just have to have these conversations like, it, know, do you want to do it? And we have to feel comfortable like just saying no, or, you know, kind of having those tougher talks with each other so that we can, we have to be on the same team, you know, as much as possible. I think that that’s something also that I love watching you too, is you’re very supportive of each other. And it’s been that way all the time. And like, you’ll kind of have like the little.


Like we know each other’s pieces. Like Whitney’s going to freak out about numbers and Nick’s going to take a longer time to write notes. Like we just know it. And so we build things and we’ll like, we’ll have some comedy around it. But I think you two are truly on each other’s is no competition. Like his wins are totally my wins and vice versa. That’s yeah. I love that. We definitely know like, I have a lot, we know each other’s like pitfalls. know we’re going to fall short and it’s always like.


But both of us are motivated on our own. It’s not like someone’s intentionally doing something. We’re really not competitive with each other. Like one of us, like during the day we will swap schedules. I think that’s been the biggest thing too for the build out is separating our own specialties. Like he does a lot of surgery. He did the year long residency and more sleep and clear liners. So it’s like finding those niches as well. I think, you know, there are


The Dental A Team (18:23.117)

a lot of your people that you work with, know there’s bigger clinics and we’re pretty small time compared to a lot of people, we getting those specialty sections down, getting the systems down, and not like we have perfect systems, but like really pushing clear liners early, just like not with the patients, but just bringing it up and then getting that rotation down so we can bring like a really nice.


And then it feels good to the patients and it’s a clean system. the, you’re delivering like a high end, you know, just going through those, cause there’s, you’re going to make mistakes. And same thing with me. did that the Alabama implant education residency, and that was a big decision for us. Cause I had to be gone a lot, but getting it, getting the systems in order to be able to like do an implant for somebody and know for a fact, like.


They’re going to love it. They’re not going to be in pain. They’re going to tell their friends. And then by the time we built out, were ready to expand. weren’t like fumble. mean, of course there’s always a little fumbles, but we weren’t fumbling as much. We had already gone through the trials. Yeah. For sure. Not giving up because it’s easy to be like, you have one bad case. And you’re like, I’m never extracting two.


which I think is amazing. And I really have watched you guys both support and Whitney when you said like his wins are my wins. I know Nick, like when Whitney has her wins. And something I do think has also been very intentionally planned throughout your guys’s career is making sure that I think sometimes, especially in like a husband, wife duo or pieces, like, well, Nick is the quote unquote higher producers. So we’re just going to put all the pieces and like Whitney, you’re going to take the other piece. But we like.


I knew you guys knew that’s never gonna make for you to be happy. And so it was like Whitney, we’ve got to also build something where you’re excited about it. So the clear liners and the sleep and something where you’re passionate. We’ve even talked about sending you to go do implants too at some point when the babies get a little older, if that’s what you want to do, but like giving both of you the edge and the niche. But then like you said, it’s here to win for both. And so it’s like, if I can help Nick out, I’ll do this. And if he can help me out, think Whitney, I know you like definitely like helped with like notes or different things like I’ll help here and Nick will help here.


The Dental A Team (20:37.857)

I just think it’s been incredible because I think so many couples can’t do that. And so I think you guys have prioritized your marriage, your babies, your life over the practice. And in doing so, you come to the table every time as more complete. I don’t know how to explain that better than that. Like, I think you take care of yourselves first. Like you put the oxygen mask on yourself, you take care of each other, and then you come to the practice and you take care of your team, but you’re intentional and you follow through. So I was curious. I obviously have my own opinions of what’s made you guys successful, but if you were giving any tips to offices,


even if it’s husband wife duos or people that are expanding, what are any of the tips of things? Like you said, I think we were smart to bulk you guys, especially where you’re in a small town. We just started hiring. We’re like, well, we’ll just take them. We’ll make the numbers work. But were there any other things that you guys feel have been maybe things that have set you apart? I think we’ve listed off a few like the implant course, Whitney having her own specialty, being intentional with the time your kids are there, but anything you guys feel that would be tips for couples or people doing an expansion.


that you feel really helped. Because honestly, I know you say I’ve got bigger practices, but I don’t care about the over the top line. I care about profitability. I care about happiness. And honestly, you guys are huge players in that arena. And you’ve done it really, really well. So all the tips are here. Yeah. And you do put up big numbers. So let’s just like, I think the only other thing we didn’t touch on is I’m glad we did wait a little bit to expand until we built our reputation.


built those Google reviews. And now it’s like we get so many referrals, that’s our main source, referrals is our main source. So building upon that was important and really having an understanding of like we live in a small town. where our other office is going, a lot of people, it kind of was a happy coincidence. A lot of people dropped Delta, which is the only one we have and or accept.


It’s funny. mean, you really have to be, I think we were talking to just ready for opportunities. Same, same like, with, with getting our systems down, we were kind of like ready to expand our, our reputation. Initially, that was like our first thing, just like pump reviews, get the talent. I said, we did a lot of like town things, especially before kids. have more time. go around, but then, you know, a couple of offices went. Stop.


The Dental A Team (23:01.261)

changed hands and didn’t do very well. And we were all of a sudden like in a great position to take all those patients. And I feel like we were just always all of we had a few things fall in our lap that we were prepared for. And we, know, if we wouldn’t have, I think, put the front end work in, it would have been tough to take advantage. Totally. Yeah. I think like that’s actually something I had not pinpointed. So I’m glad you both talked about it. I think you do a really good job of


looking down the line and also planning for opportunities. So like the expansion, the new patients, the small town, like, and I think you guys both do a really good job. Nick, I know this is your sweet spot, but it’s like when there’s, I mean, you guys picked up someone from a car accident you were in, like such a random experience, but like, I think a lot of offices like, no, we’re not ready for that financially. But you guys are like, nope, we know we’re going to need this. So let’s hire this person and we’ll figure it out. We know we need hygienists, so let’s bring them in.


We know we’re going to be expanding. So let’s get those systems in place. We know we’re going to need to increase our production and like offer a bigger skill set. So like Nick, you go and get implants, Whitney, you clear liners and sleep. We are training the team to be able to do it. Like you literally took your front office person. You knew you’d need a nanny and she then transferred into being a nanny. So we didn’t lose someone you already trusted. We brought someone else in. Like literally you guys are constantly looking for those opportunities, but not just looking, but seizing on them. And like, how do you get the guts to do that? Cause I mean,


I know the one you currently are on, buying the property behind your space. That was freaky, but so brilliant. You’re going to have to expand. You’re in small town. You’re going to have to expand. like, Nick, just, you went, you talked to someone and now lo and behold, you guys purchased the land behind. Like, how do you- I don’t have my guts to Nick. I don’t rain on his grave. I think if I didn’t have Whitney, I would probably be bankrupt already.


Yeah, we’re varying. I’m always trying to buy stuff. It’s going to make us better. Shiny object syndrome for sure. I think a big thing that you’re talking about too, we kept the employees here. We tried to be as soft. We have to change some things, but we tried to be as soft as we could and having them on our side was huge. And then we build this reputation all of a sudden of being like great people to work for.


The Dental A Team (25:26.603)

which so is the person that we bought from. And so then all of sudden you get people, you know, of course you always have, have to do trial and error with some employees, but we’ve like got this great team and everyone’s very supportive and we really invest in someone when we hire them. Like I will, I do some of the HR, but we will like train and train, we’ll come in extra, like we will, you know, if your kid’s sick.


I’ll help you. know, we really try to make sure like our team feels really good. We try to like bonus them and do, and that has been one of our biggest things because now all of a sudden I don’t do, there’s like, they’re taking over a lot of the stuff and it’s really cool to see all all of we have to have team leads and it has made our lives so much better because also we don’t have to. That’s helped the balance as well.


Big time, yeah. We don’t have to worry as much. were so hands-on. The bottleneck. Almost too, I mean, for sure too much. And we’ve finally been able to step back and just like so proud of our, we’ve always been proud of our team, but now it’s like, I feel like we’ve got such a good culture going and it feels really good every day. Everyone’s laughing and I mean, patients love that too. They pick up on it. Yeah. And I think that’s something I’ve watched you guys do. You really,


So many of our calls, like of course we’re always talking numbers. we’re looking at the metrics, but like so many of the conversations are around the team. Like how do we have the conversation? And I mean, when you say 30 year vets, that was also another worry of like, all right. So we’re taking on a practice of four operatories, two doctors and 30 year veterans. And how do we like make sure that we sustain that? But I really just love that you guys, you truly have love for your team. have love and loyalty and you want them to succeed and like.


It’s been amazing. I think there were things when I was like, I don’t think I would do that. And you guys are like, nope, this is what we want to do. And you’ve set the stage of this is how we want to operate our team. I think it’s really paid undue dividends for you. just took a long time to get there. So what I’m trying to point out is you have done a lot of freaking groundwork and foundational work and building the reputation and building the reputation in the community, building the reputation with the teams, treating the team really, really well, looking for the opportunities.


The Dental A Team (27:49.035)

to now, like I’m not going to say it’s easy going and of course you’ll always have your pieces, but like there is more smooth flow than there was when you very first started. And like maybe you have any other tips of how you have such a good culture with your team. Like you guys are wicked loyal. I’m like, if you, Nick and Whitney hire you, like they’ll be with you until you have grand babies. Like you’ll be with them forever. What is it that you guys do? Because some people are like, no, they’re hard. We need to fire them. And we have changed out some team members in the time of knowing you. But what do you guys do that you feel?


sets you apart to have that team that’s got such a good reputation in the community. think we try, just like we do with each other, we try to get everyone’s back as much as possible. we, you it’s hard to say because you can’t be like, so, you know, so Lucy goosey, but we really will, like, we will do anything for the team. Like it is so worth it. mean, we want it to be a positive experience.


flexible or super flexible. we will, we can, I will make whatever work. will hire extra people. Like we have an extra assistant that helps with hygiene. We got to do assistant hygiene, but we’ll just like have a, just a fully trained assistant just to always, especially when we’re having, it has changed our hygienist attitude in this. They talk in the town. It’s such a small town and all of a sudden we’re like getting more hygienist.


hey, can we come work for you in a time where it’s so hard to get hygienists? know, we’ve got, we’re just so lucky. Do you remember when you sent me the ad of how much your hygienists were going for in your area? Do you remember that? I think it was like 150 bucks an hour. Like I’m not making this up. Literally on Indeed. And to hear in an area where people are paying $150 for a hygienist, you and I both laughed and I was like, just hire a dentist. We’ll like mess with you. But to hear that.


You guys are just doing some really incredible things that are different. Like you do train up your assistants and you want to make sure they’re taken care of. But on the flip side, you have high accountability. Like Whitney, your forms are always filled in and you guys follow through on what you say you’re going to do. And if we talk about meetings, you’re going to execute with them. And so it’s this interesting dynamic of the love and the accountability. And I think people don’t realize that you can have both. And I think you guys are a really beautiful example of that. Yeah. Thank you. Of course. Of course.


The Dental A Team (30:12.119)

Well, I just wanted to showcase you. think so many people need to hear of where you started, that it is possible to have this balance. I mean, you work four days. Whitney, you’re working what? Two days? Two and Two and a half. Yeah. Two and a half. You’re a mom. You have a nanny. You get things done. You guys have this dynamic, this amazing dynamic. And what’s something I am so proud of you is you are consistent. Like you will always fill out your agendas for our meetings. You will follow through on the action items that you need to do. And I just say mad kudos. Nick looks at Whitney. I know what that look was.


someone will. But I also think that that’s like amazing. Nick, both like you and I both know Whitney’s gonna execute on that. I give her way more action items than I give you. I say some things. I also know that you’re gonna go in you’re gonna produce and you’re also gonna have like some of the hard conversations Whitney and I both don’t want to do that. And you’re like, Yep, I’ll go handle that. That’s where he thrives. You thrive there, Nick. And so


What I love is you guys have really looked at each other’s strengths and weaknesses. You really helped each other out. And it’s like, I’m going to pick up for you versus blaming you. And I think you do that for your team. And I think that’s the culture that spread throughout. just like, like all the heart eyes and just so I just am grateful to showcase a couple that has flourished in a town where you were getting four patients, four operatories, a husband, wife duo, they’ve had two babies.


and you’re able to have the life you want, the practice you want, the team you want. But it also came with some hard work and opportunities that you’ve taken as well. I mean, shoot, Whitney, some of the calls we get on, it’s like, well, let’s just go to the spreadsheets. Like, let’s figure out the numbers, let’s figure it out. But you’re constantly observant, you’re constantly willing to push the envelope. You guys will try anything. The number of things we tried for new patients is impressive. And every time we got one more new patient, we would celebrate it.


But thank you guys for just sharing your stories. And I’m going to open it up. Any last things you want to share, say, if not, we’ll wrap up. But just really appreciative of both of you. So any last thoughts you’ve got? my god, we appreciate you. I can’t believe it’s been five, six years now. And honestly, your call.


The Dental A Team (32:18.445)

We always have something to talk about. You can get complacent and you’re like, man, what am going to talk to Kiera about? Like, I don’t have anything. And then there’s always something that you just light our fire every other Tuesday at 6 a.m. I think it like, it’s very easy. We get each other. We both get worked up about different things and you’re very good at like, you’re our sounding board. We’re sounding board and we each like the numbers calm Whitney down and kind of talking things out.


For me, it’s just so helpful. that’s been great. It’s great. to know without you. Well, and I just appreciate, like, you’re the people I love to work with because I get so giddy to watch great people flourish, succeed, and have the lives they want. And I agree. I look forward to my calls with you every morning, like every other Tuesday, 6 a.m. I know you’re on there. And I think it is something fun. And I appreciate you trusting me to light the fire, to paint the vision, say, no, no, no, we’re not getting complacent. Like, where are we headed next?


and then we start building towards that. So thank you for being on the podcast with me. Thanks for being in my life. And it’s fun to watch your journey and your story go from meeting in dental school to now having this incredible life that you get to share just makes me so happy for both of you. Thank you guys. And for all of you listening, I want you to have the success stories of Nick and Whitney. And so reach out anytime. [email protected], but truly.


Take the nuggets and the gems you just heard from this dynamic couple, this incredible duo who’s built this amazing practice in life and implement it in your own lives. And as always, thanks for listening. I’ll catch you next time on the Dental A Team podcast.

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